
BIOSTAR DRAM's Warranty Policy includes Warranty Terms and Conditions and Warranty Periods. Please read them with care.
BIOSTAR DRAM may update the terms and conditions of this Warranty Service from time to time. Please refer to the latest version published on this website for your BIOSTAR DRAM Product.
Warranty Introduction
All BIOSTAR MICROTECH INTERNATIONAL Corp., Inc. ("BIOSTAR DRAM") products are warranted and tested to be free from defects in material and workmanship and to conform to the published specifications. During the warranty period, should your BIOSTAR DRAM product(s) fail under normal use in the recommended environment due to improper workmanship or materials, BIOSTAR DRAM will provide warranty service pursuant to the following terms and conditions (the "Warranty Service").BIOSTAR DRAM may update the terms and conditions of this Warranty Service from time to time. Please refer to the latest version published on this website for your BIOSTAR DRAM Product.
Warranty Period and Service
- Your BIOSTAR DRAM product is covered by limited Lifetime Warranty Service starting from the original purchase date until one year after the end of the product life cycle*. (Determined by BIOSTAR DRAM)
- Proof of the original purchase date is required for this Warranty Service.
- BIOSTAR may decide to repair or replace new or good products at its sole discretion after reviewing BIOSTAR DRAM products. Under special circumstances, BIOSTAR may decide to replace BIOSTAR products with similar functions or refund or discount the BIOSTAR product based on the current value of the BIOSTAR product when submitted for repair. Arrive. BIOSTAR's decision is unchangeable and binding on you.
- This warranty will not apply under these circumstances:
- Malfunctions or damage that is caused by natural disasters, accidents, acts of vandalism, and improper use (products not used in accordance with the product's description, product design, or as a fixture or for testing purposes, such as continuous plugging and unplugging, etc.), improper installation (e.g. on equipment that is not compatible or not in compliance with the product's design, etc.), etc.)
- Products that have been damaged due to misuse, neglect, unauthorized disassembly, modifications, or alterations.
- Product damage caused by abnormal mechanical or environmental conditions or power problems such as insufficient voltage, excessive and unstable power supplies, or excessive charging of lithium batteries.
- Product serial number, barcode or label is inconsistent with the original or not visually identifiable to confirm the authenticity of the product, including having been modified, smeared, removed, damaged, lost.
- Products purchased through unauthorized distribution channels, second-hand retailers, or resale products that violate national import and export regulations.
- Compatibility issues not related to BIOSTAR products
- BIOSTAR DRAM will inspect the BIOSTAR DRAM product and in its sole discretion repair or replace it with a new or a refurbished product. BIOSTAR DRAM may also provide a functionally equivalent replacement, or refund or credit the current value of the BIOSTAR DRAM product at the time the warranty claim is made. The decision made by BIOSTAR DRAM shall be final and binding upon you.
- The new, refurbished or functionally equivalent product provided by BIOSTAR DRAM under the Warranty Service will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period.
* BIOSTAR DRAM's EOL (End-of-Life) Products
- BIOSTAR DRAM shall not be liable for any personal injury or death or any loss or damages to property arising from the BIOSTAR DRAM product being used in a situation which personal injury or death is likely to occur, including but not limited to medical or medical-related equipment, military or military-related equipment, traffic control equipment, aircraft, nuclear energy system, combustion control system, and disaster prevention systems.
- For compatibility or performance improvement purposes, product specifications and/or appearance may occasionally change without notice.
Other Statement
- This warranty service constitutes the entire agreement between you and BIOSTAR DRAM and supersedes all other warranties and representations, whether oral or written BIOSTAR DRAM makes no other warranties, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, whether expressly or impliedly.
- All warranties made by BIOSTAR DRAM, whether express or implied are limited to the warranty period set forth below.
- Some states and jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
- BIOSTAR DRAM may access the data and information stored in the BIOSTAR DRAM product (the "Client Information") and may be aware of the content thereof during the process of performing this Warranty Service. BIOSTAR DRAM hereby agrees that BIOSTAR DRAM will not disclose any Client Information to any third parties without your prior written consent, except BIOSTAR DRAM's employees who need to access the Client Information for the purpose of providing this Warranty Service to you.
Additional Remarks
- If your BIOSTAR DRAM product fails during the warranty period, you may contact the retailers or distributors authorized by BIOSTAR DRAM for this Warranty Service.
- The failure of your BIOSTAR DRAM product is covered by this Warranty Service under the specified warranty period starting from the original purchase date. Proof of the original purchase date is required for this Warranty Service, such as the BIOSTAR DRAM warranty card, invoice or credit card receipt. If BIOSTAR DRAM still exceptionally decides to adopt this Warranty Service even if the customer fails provide proof of the original purchase date, the warranty period of the BIOSTAR DRAM product in question shall be determined pursuant to the product serial number.
- The warranty card accompanied with the BIOSTAR DRAM product should be filled out in details and stamped by the retailers or distributors. The warranty, quality or authenticity stickers of the BIOSTAR DRAM product should be complete and not damaged and/or altered. Warranty card without full information and retailers' or distributor's stamp, or any damage or alteration to the warranty, quality or authenticity stickers will void this Warranty Service.
- If you are returning an item(s) listed below, please ensure you pack all necessary accessories with the RMA item before shipping it back to us.
映泰 DRAM 產品保固條款
映泰股份有限公司(以下簡稱「映泰」)保證所有映泰 DRAM 產品皆經過完整測試,以避免原物料及加工過程中之瑕疵,並符合公告規格。若您所購買的映泰 DRAM產品在保固期間內,於正常環境使用之下,因原物料及加工過程中之瑕疵而導致故障,映泰將依據下列條款提供保固服務(以下簡稱「本保固服務」)。映泰將不定期更新或補充本保固服務條款,請以本網站最新公佈之內容為準。
- 映泰DRAM產品之有限終身保固,自原始購買日起至該產品型號生命週期*一年後屆至為止。(*由映泰認定之)
- 須出示原始購買日之購買證明,如發票或信用卡單據等…始能享有本保固服務。
- 映泰得於檢視映泰DRAM產品後自行裁量決定給予維修或更換新品或良品,特殊情況下,映泰可決定以功能近似之映泰產品替代或依該映泰產品送修時之現值予以退費或折抵。映泰之決定對您而言不可更改且具約束力。
- 惟本保固條款不適用於以下情形:
- 因天然災害、意外事故、人為破壞、不當使用(如未依產品說明使用、其使用超出產品設計目的範圍、或用於治具、或使用做插拔等測試用途等等)、不當安裝(如於不相容或不符合威剛產品設計之設備上使用等)所造成的產品損壞。
- 使用者濫用、誤用、疏忽、未經授權自行拆卸修理、擅自修改或變更零件所造成的產品損壞。
- 不正常的機械或環境狀態或電源問題(如伏特數不足、過量與不穩定的電源供應或鋰電池長時間充電等) 所造成的產品損壞。
- 產品序號、條碼或標籤遭修改、塗抹或移除、與原本不相符、破損、遺失、不清楚或外觀損毀、無法辨識產品真偽、以及判定為仿冒假品者。
- 透過非映泰合法授權之經銷通路、二手轉賣途徑所購買之產品,或是違反各國進出口規定的轉售產品。
- 非映泰自有產品之相容性問題
- 針對不適用本保固服務之映泰 DRAM產品,映泰得拒絕檢視、維修或更換零組件,若映泰最終決定提供相關服務,將酌收相關費用。
- 因本保固服務而更換之新品、良品或功能近似之替代映泰產品,其保固期間應以送修品所得享有之剩餘期間為準。
*【註】即映泰停止生產該產品型號 - 破壞或竄改映泰產品保固、防偽或品質保證貼紙、產品序號、電子編碼等、非經映泰授權之維修或變更、映泰產品之實體缺損或有自行打開或修改產品外殼之跡象者,不得享有保固服務。
- 若映泰產品被應用於極可能導致人身傷亡的設備,包括但不限於醫療或醫療相關設備、軍事或軍事相關設備、航空器、交通控制設備、災害預防系統、燃燒控制系統、核能設備,映泰將不對此應用所衍生之任何人身傷亡、財產毀損及任何損失負責。
- 為了不斷改進產品品質與效能,映泰保留變更產品外觀、內容或規格的權利,恕不另行通知。
- 本保固服務為您與映泰之完整合意,將取代所有其它口頭或書面之保證或陳述。且不論明示或默示,映泰未為包含適銷性或適用於特定目的之其他保證。
- 所有映泰之保證,無論明示或默示,僅限於下列保固期間內有效。恕不另行通知。
- 部分國家或地區不允許排除默示保證或對默示保證之存續時間設有限制,故您可能不適用前述限制。恕不另行通知。
- 映泰因執行本保固服務,將存取送修映泰產品內之資料(以下簡稱「客戶資料」)並可能獲悉其內容。映泰同意除執行本保固服務而有存取客戶資料必要之員工外、未經您本人書面同意,不會向第三方揭露任何客戶資料。
- 若您的映泰產品於保固期間內發生故障,請洽經映泰授權之零售商或經銷商以獲取本保固服務。
- 映泰產品若故障,得於其保固期間內享有本保固服務,保固期間自您的原始購買日起算。若欲使用本保固服務應出示足以證明原始購買日之購買證明,如映泰保固卡、發票和信用卡單據。若無法出示原始購買日之購買證明,則由映泰依據產品序號認定之。
- 隨映泰產品檢附之保固卡應經零售商或經銷商確實填寫購買日期及產品型號等相關細節並加蓋印章。映泰產品上之防偽、品質保證或保固貼紙應完整,不得撕毀或塗改。欠缺完整資訊及零售商或經銷商印章之保固卡,或是防偽、品質保證或保固貼紙有任何缺損,即不得享有本保固服務。
- 若您申請的維修品有下表所列產品,請依據表格所示,將該配件一併寄回。